On the Mountain Top (Week 7 and 8 )

HEY GUYS! So, these past couple of weeks we traveled to Lesotho, a small landlocked country in South Africa. To be completely honest, before coming to Africa, I had never heard of Lesotho. Maybe it’s because it’s usually mis-pronounced (the proper pronunciation is Les-oo-too), but most likely because I’m not very good at geography. Let’s…

Breaking the Silence (Week 6)

We’re officially past our half way point of being here in Zambia! It feels like time is flying by, even though we still have 6 weeks left. So I’m trying my best to live in the moment and enjoy every day here, because before we know it, we’ll be on our way back! This week…

Starting With A Beat (Week 5)

We’re going into our 6th week guys. Which means we’re almost HALF WAY THERE! Woah. Also, I have no idea who sees these posts or how many people read them. So, if you’ve even been reading any of my blog posts, kudos to you my friend. Thanks for tagging along with me on this journey….